
Posts tagged with: Business

SF Music Tech - Oct 8 & 9

October 06, 2012

Hope to see you in San Francisco this Monday & Tuesday for the best Music/Tech conference in the country. 

The SF MusicTech Summit brings together visionaries in the evolving music business & technology ecosystem, along with the best and brightest developers, entrepreneurs, investors,...

Networking & Interns

September 06, 2012

Networking is KEY

If you run a company, you are going to need to work on your social skills.  I have gained more business and new leads from going to conferences and networking events in the last year than during the previous six years combined.  People will usually know within a few minutes...

Questions, Reports, & Expectations

September 05, 2012

Ask lots of questions before you start a campaign

Ask 15, 20, or 50 questions if you have to.  The more you know about the client’s expectations, what types of work he/she has done in the past, and what his/her needs are, the better you’ll be prepared to handle problems as they arise.  If...

Organize, Read, Understand, Delegate

September 03, 2012

Be as organized as you possibly can

Make a basic list of tasks to get done at the beginning of the day or at the end of the previous day.  Use Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Apps for emails/filtering.  I know I sound like a spokesperson for Google, but having everything under a...

Faith, Goals, and Whiteboard

August 31, 2012

Never give up and practice FAITH

This has been one of the toughest things for me to learn.  There are going to be months where you wake up at 3am in a cold sweat, wondering how you are going to cover your overhead, payroll, and other expenses because clients are not paying on time.  There...

Failing is OK

August 29, 2012

You are going to make mistakes and lots of them.  This is all part of being in business.  The most important thing to take stock of is asking “what did I learn?”  Many times when things fail, they are completely out of your control.  A client did not deliver what they promised, fans did not...

Lessons for the Entrepreneur and Future Business Owner

August 27, 2012

Instead of focusing on a specific topic within marketing, music, or tech, I would like to talk about the big lessons I have learned in my seven years of running a business.  This list will best apply to you if you are in a service-based industry.  I don’t know if any amount of school or...


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