Networking & Interns
Networking is KEY
If you run a company, you are going to need to work on your social skills. I have gained more business and new leads from going to conferences and networking events in the last year than during the previous six years combined. People will usually know within a few minutes if you are someone they would like to work with. Don’t go in for the hard sell when you first meet someone, ask them tons of questions about their business or brand, and then see how you can add value to them. Hand out business cards and make sure to keep in contact with people no more than a few days after you meet them, so your face is fresh in their mind. Cold calls are uncomfortable and blind email pitching typically yields very few results, so nothing is better than meeting people face-to-face and getting to know them first on a personal basis.
Your interns or younger employees are one of your biggest assets
Our interns are all in college, doing internships for college credit and experience. Many times, they are smarter than everyone else in the room. They are often aware of the emerging trends, music, and tech that you might have missed while you were busy putting out fires and running your day-to-day. Make sure your interns are 100% included in your creative process, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much value they will add.
By : Erik Koral