
Organize, Read, Understand, Delegate

September 03, 2012

Be as organized as you possibly can

Make a basic list of tasks to get done at the beginning of the day or at the end of the previous day.  Use Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Apps for emails/filtering.  I know I sound like a spokesperson for Google, but having everything under a Google umbrella streamlines things.

Keep up with tech, news within your field and business news using RSS feeds

I also subscribe to all of my tech, music, and marketing blogs using Google RSS Reader.  It can get daunting to keep up with everything on a daily basis, but do the best you can to stay on top of the news because tech is moving at lightspeed.  If you don’t have time, have a tech-savvy intern read the news for you and highlight the most relevant items that apply to your business.

Understand what your employees do best and have them excel at those skills

Some people are creatives.  Some people are analytical.  Some people are just “big idea” and strategists.  Some people are just happy handling day-to-day stuff and act as “the glue” of your business.  Get to know your employees and ask them to create their ideal job and title for themselves.  Give them little bonuses when you can and make them feel appreciated for everything they bring to the table. 

Delegate, delegate, delegate – stop being a control freak

One of the hardest things for me to do as an entrepreneur was to give up control.  I used to think if I didn’t send that final email, oversee the campaign from start to finish, or question every artistic or creative choice, that things would go horribly awry.  Being able to give up control to my staff and interns has allowed me to focus on the bigger visions of the company and hustle for new business.  Obviously you need to build trust with your staff, but again…let them do what they do best.

By : Erik Koral



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